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Sons Of The Forest: 7 Beginner Tips

Survival can be extremely difficult in this wild world of Sons Of The Forest game where you’re stuck on an island full of mutants and cannibals. So make sure to beware of these tips and tricks before jumping on the Sons Of The Forest.

1. Save The Game Frequently

In the Sons Of The Forest, there are dangerous enemies like mutants or cannibals and you can’t predict what the encounter on your journey, especially in the caves. Since the game’s map is enormous you will need to travel great distances between points A to B. For this reason, if you don’t want to start over and turn back all the way after you die you should save the game frequently.

To be able to save the game you should build a little tent with one Tarp and one stick. After you place your Tarp on the ground take your sticks in your hand and lift up the Tarp from one or two corners. Then you can save the game with the help of this tent or spend the night.

2. Get Modern Axe

Modern Axe is one of the best early weapons in the Sons Of The Forest. You can get this item right after your crash landing without the need for a Shovel or Keycard. Woodcutting speed is the same for all axes but they differ in damage output. The Tactical Axe is the fastest axe but it damages little, Firefighter Axe is the best axe in terms of damage, and the Modern Axe is great for well-rounded uses.

The best way to find Modern Axe is by following the water stream from the beach.

3. Gather Cannibal Bones

Armor is essential in Sons Of The Forest. Mutants and cannibals will swarm your base with time and they will come harder and harder every time. Therefore paying attention to armor is important for your survival. Bone Armor is not the best armor in the game, but it is one of the best armor to choose for the early game. It is extremely cheap and easy to craft, but finding bones can sometimes be a problem.

Although many players don’t know it yet, getting bones is extremely easy, you just need to slaughter a lot of cannibals. Burn the corpses of the cannibals you’ve killed by dropping them on a burning fire and when they’re completely burnt, only their bones will remain. Bone armor can be crafted with four Bones, one Duct Tape, and one Rope.

4. Make Friends With Virginia

Virginia is a great companion to have in Sons Of The Forest because she is literally a cannibal killing machine. You can give Pistol and Shotgun weapons to Virginia and you don’t have to give her bullets, she will have infinite ammo. She is great for repelling enemies and defending your base and also she can show you near loot areas, important weapons or caves so make sure to follow her when she points somewhere.

5. Use Kelvin All The Time

Kelvin can be killed by cannibals or mutants so make sure you protect him because he is another great companion to have in Sons Of The Forest. While you fortify your base or deal with different things on your base, Kelvin can gather resources for you and even food. Having Kelvin on your side is great so you can spend little time grinding and more time enjoying the game.

6. How To Swap Items Quickly

In Sons Of The Forest, there is a way to quickly change your items without opening the craft station. To make this happen, you need to open the craft station and select the Backpack on top of the station. Then put every item that you want to have quick access to. You can access this Backpack by holding down the inventory button, and you can assign a different button that you are comfortable with.

7. Craft Items To Open Space

Sometimes your inventory will be full and you can’t pick up items you find on the ground. In this case, open your crafting menu and craft items that require the item you want to get and make room for the item on the ground.