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How to Complete The Congressman in Gray Zone Warfare

The Congressman is a Handshake vendor assigned task in Gray Zone Warfare. The objective of this task is fairly straightforward, given you know the coordinates to travel to the location that contains the hidden object.

The main objective of this task is to retrieve a lost smartphone and hand it back to the Vendor in exchange for rewards. You get an M4A1 Assault rifle alongside more rewards upon completing this task. Finishing this task will unlock more missions for you with Handshake and boost your Reputation points with the vendor.

How to Complete The Congressman Task For Handshake

Villa Erica is located at the coordinates 173.166 in Gray Zone Warfare. The smartphone is located in one of the many Villas as a part of the resort area called the Midnight Sapphire, which is situated to the northern area of the map.

The main objective is to retrieve a lost smartphone that belonged to a Congressman. While the objective itself isn’t very difficult, fans should note that when you land at the Midnight Sapphire POI the enemy AI would be slightly difficult to deal with.

However, it is recommended to bring a squadmate or two from your faction to defeat the enemy AI. Ensure that you have loaded your assault rifles and have appropriate safety gear to push through to the Villa that contains the lost smartphone. 

The AI can be seen roaming around the streets, some can also be found outside houses. However, it is recommended to crouch and move slow to avoid being caught in the act. If you find yourself being noticed, don’t forget to go all in with your rifles. It might take you another try to finish this task if you’re overcrowded with AI opponents.

Once you locate the area on the map and spawn at the Villa, head inside the Villa and go to the living room area towards the right. From there, you need to head to the second room on your left.

Gray Zone Warfare The Congressman

Once you’re inside, you’ll find the lost smartphone below the couch. Press ‘F’ to interact with the object. Equip the lost smartphone in your inventory to be able to return it back to your Task Vendor, who in this case, is Handshake.

TIP: While this is optional, you can access a stash of cash in a safe vault located below the table in the room next to the one with the ‘Lost smartphone.’ However, this is optional and you not necessarily need to interact with this ‘Safe’ in order to complete the task.

Task Rewards for Completing The Congressman in Gray Zone Warfare

Hand the ‘smartphone’ to Handshake by opening the Vendors tab Menu, and then clicking on ‘Complete’. Following are the rewards you’ll receive in your Inbox after completing the task:

  • x1 M4A1 Assault Rifle
  • $6,500 in in-game currency
  • 2000 EXP
  • +200 Reputation with Handshake

So this was how to complete ‘The Congressman’ AKA an Handshake assigned task in the Madfinger Games shooter title. The rewards obtained for completing this task are fairly decent, which include an M4A1 Assault rifle.

Gray Zone Warfare is a tactical survival FPS with evolving enemy AI and contains three factions to choose from. In upcoming updates, especially the NightOps update, fans will be able to take advantage of night-vision gear, added weapons and more with a day and night cycle available for the factions. We expect the developers to revive the dormant player base for this game with the NightOps update, slated to arrive on November 27.

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