When Ubisoft first released Ghost Recon Breakpoint, it was so far from what fans wanted it to be. Since then, the developers have listened to the community and slowly implemented the changes required to make it the game that it should have been. I’ve said it before, but Operation Motherland should have been the first DLC this game had, if it had launched in a state players were happy with. While I’ve been playing it, I’ve realised why it was added though, it’s the classic Ubisoft endgame mechanic. This is something that Ubisoft debuted in The Division 2, and now it’s implementing it across all of its live service games, despite the fact that Ghost Recon Breakpoint shouldn’t be a live service game.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, the Ubisoft endgame mechanic is when you finish the core story of the game, and then the world changes. In The Divison 2, an entirely new enemy force bursts in to make roaming the world that much more difficult. It totally changes how you play, and adds more missions for you to complete, and yet more reasons to come back and play the game after you’ve technically finished it.
Operation Motherland adds a new enemy faction across Auroa, and completely revamped the island to make it into something new to fight for. This is the endgame mechanic that should have been in the game at launch. Unfortunately, it simply wasn’t there when we needed it to be. Now though, you can explore the world and take on the increased military presence and truly test yourself against it. The world isn’t so different that it’s a brand new game, but it’s enough to keep your interest piqued and your hands engaged with what’s going on.
No other developer really does this, and I can see wh. It’s a gamble that you make with your players. If you put all of this work into an endgame mechanic that most of the players won’t see, then you feel like you’ve wasted your time. If however, you put all that effort in and players praise it, as they have been with Operation Motherland, then it must feel incredible. I hope Ubisoft keeps doing this with Ghost Recon because I’m in love with it.